"If you want to share a vision or tell the truth, you pick up your pen and take your chances".--Nikki Giovanni--
Thursdays 1-2PM with Library Lab from 2-4PM Office Hours before class or by appointment on Thursdays
Mailing Address: Box 3528 Farmington, NM 87499
Residence: Lake Valley, NM
Phone Number: 505.786.7265
E-mail Address: francesvitali@hotmail.com
Required Text: Gates, J. K. (1994). Guide to the use of libraries and information sources. (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Dine’ College Catalog Course Description: An introduction to the college library collection and training in the techniques of locating information using library resources. With a one-hour lecture and two hours laboratory, an annotated bibliography is required for the final project. All labs held in an approved library.
Prerequisites: FST 131 or instructor’s permission.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: Understand a library’s organization by utilizing the online card catalog, references books, equipment, hardware and databases. Become familiar and comfortable with print, automated and electronic sources. Become familiar with other libraries and resources beyond Dine’ College. Understand how library classification systems work. Engage in research assignments and projects. Apply and integrate research skills in conducting research assignments. Develop effective search strategies. Understand general library terminology. Apply research skills and strategies in finding, evaluating, and synthesizing information during future college years and beyond.
Keep a weekly response journal in which you record reflections, observations, questions, insights, etc. related to your experiences in this course. These journals will be considered informal and will be read by the instructor each week and returned during lab sessions;
Participate in class. This includes reading chapters, handouts, assignment preparation, class discussions, cooperative group activities, research assignments, and shared storytelling/reading;
Participate in weekly reading delivery at the beginning of each class session at least one;
Participate in two-hour lab sessions. Lab sessions are an opportunity to work on class projects and activities;
Develop effective time management and organizational skills;
Observe and evaluate one library other than Dine’ College library;
Use the Inter-Library Loan system to request a book(s);
Create a Pathfinder for use by students/faculty about a topic related to Dine’ College Curriculum. Pathfinders are one-page resource guides listing bibliographic information about a specific topic;
Volunteer in Dine’ College – Crownpoint library for at least one hour (3-4pm) during lab time. Each student will sign up for a scheduled time;
Conduct a formal reference interview to assist a peer with accessing information. Details of the interview, strategies used, and results will be documented in your response journal and presented to the class;
Complete a 3-5 page individual research project, including an oral presentation, due the week of April 10. Provide a prospectus of your research including: topic, outline, sources by March 16;
Compile an Annotated Bibliography with oral presentation as a final project due April 13. Provide a prospectus of your annotated bibliography by March 16;
Attend scheduled class field trips.
Each assignment carries equal weight in grading.
Rick Lutz extends an open invitation to attend the COLLEGE SUCCESS class M-W 1-2PM for research skill review;
Feel free to approach any faculty member about research questions or concerns;
Paul Zolbord will offer TWO class sessions on Feb. 28 and 29 specifically addressing RESEARCH SKILLS: paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, and citing sources;
Students will become familiar with the following communications technologies:
Students will have the opportunity to visit other library settings as the class schedule permits.
A GRADE – completes all course assignments and projects with a high level of academic excellence.
B GRADE – completes all course assignments and projects with an above average level of academic excellence.
C GRADE – completes all course assignments and projects with a satisfactory level of academic excellence.
F GRADE - fails to show competency in course work and content.
No incomplete grades will be given.
Attendance is mandatory during the 17-week course. Notify the instructor in advance of lateness or absences (excused absence). In accordance with Dine’ College policy, three consecutive absences will result in dropping the course.
Each unexcused absences will result in lowering by one letter grade. Being tardy by more than 15 minutes will count as one-half an absence (unexcused).
This course is a participatory, accumulative course where attendance is required to complete the course material. Students are responsible for consulting with instructor about missed work and getting assignments to the instructor. The instructor has the responsibility to recommend that a student take a prerequisite course level, if necessary.