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As your instructor, you have my greatest support. Just as a coach, the game cannot be played without the Most Valuable Players (MVPs). I do not see myself as a "sage on the stage", but more like a "guide on the side".Our work in this course is as a mentor/apprentice. You are on a hero's journey full of risks and challenges. It is my promise and commitment, as your instructor, to guide you in fulfilling the course objectives leading to your successful achievements and completion in this course.
Respect will always be given, however, your trust must be earned. This mutual exchange between student and teacher is an important relationship to be developed in the experience of our time together.
Therefore, absences, lateness; incomplete assignments, projects; and lack of participation will be viewed as a lack of commitment on your part, and as a serious abridgement of our agreement. Your commitment as a student is a priority. My responsibility to teaching, preparing, planning, challenging, encouraging, assisting, guiding, and evaluating you will be my priority.
Please acknowledge that you have read, understand, and commit to the goals and objectives of this course with your signature below:
_______________________________________Date__________ (Signature) Name_________________________________________________
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