"If you want to share a vision or tell the truth, you pick up your pen and take your chances". --Nikki Giovanni--
Mondays 5-8pm
Office Hours by appointment and on Mondays
Mailing Address: Box 3528 Farmington, NM 87499
Residence: Lake Valley, NM
Phone Number: 505.786.7265
E-mail Address: fvitali@mailcity.com
Required Text: Foss, S. K. & Foss, K. A. (1994). Inviting transformation: Presentational speaking for a changing world. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Speech Communication is a public speaking course. It is intended to prepare you to speak thoughtfully, understandably, sensitively, and sometimes persuasively and entertainingly to small or large audiences. To do this well, speakers learn how to understand their audiences; how to choose a topic; how to select, research, and organize material for optimal understanding; and how to present this material in an interesting, thought-provoking, and engaging manner. This semester a performing component will be added. The goal of the course is for you to achieve this competency through classroom activities and discussion; assignments inside and outside of class; and lots of practice.
At the end of this class, students will be able to:
Analyze an audience with cultural sensitivity.
Gather information into major ideas, appropriate to the interactional goals and audience needs
Perform in front of an audience
Deliver 3 dramatic oral presentations such as storytelling and character portrayals
Create and use technology supports
Create comprehensive speaking plans
Prepare and perform in one multi-member (group) presentation (Poetry Performance)
Present materials effectively both visually and orally, as outlined in Chapter 8 "Making Plans"
Prepare 3 speeches using MLA style citations, references, and bibliography when needed
The first half of the semester will focus on ORAL presentations by way of stories and storytelling, culminating in a group dramatic POETRY presentation. Assignments will center on delivering stories-preparation, delivery evaluation.
The second half of the semester will focus on the delivery of prepared speech (TEXT) presentations. These assignments will center on delivering speeches--the preparation, delivery, and evaluation. Some of this work will be done in class. Other elements--gathering information, rehearsing, preparing technology supports, will be on your own time outside of class. For each speech you deliver, you will prepare a speaking plan, and if necessary, a bibliography using MLA style.
Respect is always given; however, trust must be earned. As a student in this class, you have academic priorities. As your instructor, your learning and education are my priority. Please read and sign My Promise as your commitment
to this class. Attendance is expected at classes. Grades will be based upon attendance. Others in the class will appreciate your attendance when they speak, and we all can learn a great deal from the presentations of others. Students with excessive absences will be dropped from the class according to Dine College policy. ONE absence is allowed with all completed assignments handed in on time. Each subsequent absence will result in the lowering of one final grade point. Speaking plans must be turned in on the day that you speak with your text. Without a speaking plan, you cannot deliver your speech and will not receive a grade. Students must deliver presentations (oral or text) on the scheduled days. If you are ill, late, or can't make it, call the instructor before the class begins. Failure to deliver presentations (oral or text) on your scheduled days will result in two grades lower than what is deserved. If you miss a class, you are responsible for all missed work; getting the assignment to the instructor. OPTIONAL: For extra credit, choose a make-up assignment from the speech communications website at https://members.tripod.com/vitali1868/spcommake-up.html to be submitted the following week to the instructor. No late make-up assignments will be accepted. Assigned work must be turned in for
the assigned class. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. I may under special circumstances, read a late assignment and make comments, but the assignment itself earns a zero. Students may be asked to rewrite and redeliver their speeches. Grading of the speech will be withheld until the rewritten speech is satisfactory to both student and instructor. The rewritten speech is due the following week. If not returned the following week, no grade will be given for the speech. Students are responsible for maintaining academic integrity and honesty in their work. Penalties may include the following: grade reduction, failing course grade, dismissal from the class, suspension or academic probation. (See Dine' College 2002-2003 Catalog, p. 21.) With the exception of the impromptu speeches, all of the speech (text) presentations given in class should be delivered extemporaneously--not memorized or read from a manuscript but spoken conversationally, using notes. All of the dramatic oral presentations performed should be given without the assistance of notes or books.
By standing in front of the class audience, we assume you are prepared and practiced. Please show respect for yourself and others by being prepared when delivering your speeches. An unprepared speech delivery will result in an F Grade. Prepare and prepare well. Speech rewrites and story retellings must be delivered on the assigned date to receive full credit. No late assignments will be accepted. If you miss three consecutive absences, you will be dropped from the class. According to Dine' College Class Attendance Policy, instructors "have the final authority in excusing students from class...conflicts about excused and unexcused absences must be resolved between the student and instructor" (Dine' College 2002-2003 Catalog, p. 17). If you miss two consecutive assignments, you will be dropped from the class. Allow extra time to get to class. If you are habitually late, your overall grade will suffer. Under ordinary circumstances more than 15 minutes late will be considered half an unexcused absence. You must do all the assigned stories, dramatic group presentation, speeches with rewrites, impromptus, assignments, class participation to earn a C Grade. The quality of your work will determine a higher than
C Grade. Feel free to approach any faculty member about research questions or concerns.
Teaching and learning are synonymous, so our dual role will be learning from each other throughout the course.
Students will become familiar with the following communications technologies, time permitting:
Students will have the opportunity to experience other speakers and speaking organizations outside the classroom setting.
Assignments: Each assignment carries equal weight in grading.
A GRADE completes all course assignments and projects with a high level of academic excellence and no absences.
B GRADE completes all course assignments and projects with an above average level of academic excellence and one absence. C GRADE completes all course assignments and projects with a satisfactory level of academic excellence with one absence. F GRADE - fails to show competency in course work and content. No incomplete grades will be given.
Attendance is mandatory during the 16-week course. Notify the instructor in advance of lateness or absences. In accordance with Dine College policy, three consecutive absences will result in dropping the course.
Each unexcused absence will result in lowering by one letter grade. Tardiness by more than 15 minutes will count as one-half an absence (unexcused).
This course is a participatory, accumulative course where attendance is required to complete the course material. Students are responsible for consulting with instructor and other students about missed work and getting assignments to the instructor. The instructor has the responsibility to recommend that a student take a prerequisite course level, if necessary.
"The stories we tell not only explain things to others, they explain them to ourselves". --Donald Norman--
"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak". --Epictetus--
MONDAY Week 1 (8/26)
Introductions, E-mail addresses
Class Environment: safety, value, freedom, openness
Story Quotes-group discussion
Importance of Story-Brain/Storytelling Primates Video: Ray Golarz Assignment: 1. Choose Poem of interest to you and memorize Assignment: 2. Prepare a story to tell (5 minutes maximum) and Map out story for Presentation for Week #3
MONDAY Week 2 (9/2) NO CLASS MEETING LABOR DAY Continue to practice and memorize Poem for Week #3 Continue to prepare story to tell (5 minutes maximum) and map out story for Presentation for Week #3
MONDAY Week 3 (9/9) Impromptu Stories: Character/problem/setting Purpose of Stories-5 interactional goals Storytelling Presentation: Abiyoyo, Juniper Tree or Foolish Frog< /p> Poetry Rehearsal Story #1 Presentations
MONDAY Week 4 (9/16) Impromptu free flow writing or opinion stance Poetry Rehearsal
MONDAY Week 5 (9/23) Theater exercises POETRY Rehearsal
MONDAY Week 6 (9/30) Impromptu speech POETRY Rehearsal
MONDAY Week 7 (10/7) MIDTERM Tentative: SUNNY DOOLEY, Navajo Storyteller (6-7pm) POETRY Performance (5-6pm)
MONDAY Week 8 (10/14) NO CLASS NED HATATHLI DAY Last Day for Drops/Withrawal from class
MONDAY Week 9 (10/21) Communication: models, transformation, flow, problem-solving, 5 interactional goals Writing Review: Topic and support sentences; prefixes and suffixes, pronunciation-syllabication Story Relay Speaking Plans Begin to outline Speech #1 as Draft
MONDAY Week 10 (10/28) Video: Delivering a Speech Read: Chapters 3, 4 Assignment: Work on and outline SPEECH #1 Read: Chapters 1, 2, Sample presentations (p. 75) MLA style overview
MONDAY Week 12 (11/4) Presentation: Speech #1 Securing Adherence (Persuasion) Impromptu speeches Read: Chapters 5, 6 Video excerpt Prepare and map out Speech #2 (Discovering Knowledge) Rewrite speech exercise PowerPoint demonstration
MONDAY Week 13 (11/11) NO CLASS VETERANS DAY Nov. 15 Last Day for Instructor Drops
MONDAY Week 14 (11/18) Presentation: Speech #2 -Discovering Knowledge MLA style Quiz Video excerpt Bring in your own video excerpt as Quiz on 5 Interactional Goals for next week Rewrite speech exercise
MONDAY Week 15 (11/25) Internet research-impromptu topic Speech delivery of impromptu topic Bring in own video excerpt for Quiz on 5 Interactional Goalsand Delivering a Speech Begin draft outline for Speech #3 - your own choice excluding Securing Adherence and Discovering Knowledge
MONDAY Week 16 (12/2) Presentation: Speech #3 - FINAL SPEECH DELIVERY Class POTLUCK
Week 17 (12/9) Optional: Final Exam Rewrites of final speeches requested by instructor Individual student sessions with instructor by arrangement