Computer hardware-monitors, printers, scanners, digital cameras; telephone connectivity, Internet connectivity
"Until recently telephone calls between the world outside and Chaco had traveled via Navajo Communications Company telephone line. From Crowpoint northeast, the wire wandered across the rolling grassland, attached mostly to fence posts and relying on its own poles only when no fence was available going in the right direction. This system made telephone service subject to the same hazards as the ranch fence on which it piggybacked. Drifts of tumbleweeds, winter blizzards, dry rot, errant cattle, broke down both fence and communications. When operating, voices sometimes tended to fade in and out with the wind velocity. But recently this system had been modernized. Calls routed two hundred miles east to Santa Fe, then beamed to a satellite and rebroadcast to a receiving dish at Chaco. The space age system, like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration which made it possible, was frequently out of operation. When it worked at all, voices tended to fade in and out with the wind velocity. Today was no exception." (Excerpted from Tony Hillerman's Thief in Time, 1988)
Digital Divide-Karen Buller President of (NITI)
Digital Council Fires - May 1999
Digital Divide & Native Americans
Overcoming Obstacles to telephone Service to Indians on Reservations
Assessing Technology Infrastructure in Native Communities
Ganado Middle School Student Myra Jodie
Former President Clinton's Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity: A National Call to Action
Former President Clinton's April 17-18 2000 visit to Navajoland
Former President Clinton's webcast at Diné College-Shiprock campus with Lake Valley Navajo School students
Gallup Independent News Coverage of Former President Clinton's at Shiprock
"No tribe will be able to attract new business if it doesn't have phone, fax, and Internet, and other technology capabilities essential to the 21st century" (Clinton talks Indian: Tribal officials, cabinet members meet. (1988). Indian Country, 24-31.)